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Fiesta® Oval Platter (11 5/8") (Post 1986)

Oval Platter (11 5/8") Production: - Present

by Steve Labinski

Fiesta Medium Oval Platter 11 5/8"

A Perfect Plate

Not as heavy and clunky as the 13 5/8" dishes, the medium oval platters are perfect for serving dinners.

The Post86 Oval Platter (11 5/8") is item number 457.

HLC has produced these in all of the post-86 colors, except Sapphire. They are typically carried in stock at the department stores, and on Macys.com.

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Texas Cooking is a proud member of the Homer Laughlin China Collectors Association If you are interested in collecting this great dinnerware, look into this great organization.

Fiesta® is a registered trademark of the Homer Laughlin China Company, Newell WV. This website and its pages are not owned by Homer Laughlin China Company. We do not pretend to officially represent the Homer Laughlin China Company. They are the official experts - not us! We are simply enthusiastic collectors and fans of the china.