Black Bean Dip

Now here is a simple party appetizers! The vinegar and spices make this bean dip special, and the flavor takes people pleasantly by surprise. If the balsamic is too much, adjust it to your taste. From David Bulla's article on party appetizers.
  • 2 15 oz. cans of Black Beans
  • 4 cloves Garlic, minced or pressed
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin or to taste
  • 2 teaspoons chili powder
  • ¼ cup Balsamic Vinegar
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • Cotija cheese (for garnish)
  1. Simply put all the ingredients in a food processor and process until smooth. Some canned beans have more liquid than others, so you may have to add more vinegar to make the consistency right. (I use Goya black beans)
  2. Top with crumbled Cotija mexican cheese. (See note)
  3. Serve as a dip for veggies, tortilla chips, pita chips, etc.
  4. Use as a second or third dip so that those people afraid of beans will have alternatives for their veggies. Ranch or spinach dips always seem to be popular.
  5. Makes 2 cups.

Note: Cotija cheese is an inexpensive white cheese from Mexico. Many grocery stores carry it in the specialty cheese area in the deli, or in a refrigerated Mexican dairy section with the containers of specialty salsa. Yes, Virginia, Monterrey jack cheese will do in a pinch!

Ready in: 30 Min

Kitchen tools you'll need for Black Bean Dip:
Food Processors, Mixing Bowls

Recipe editor Patricia Mitchell